Acacia Lyra Photo Gallery
2014 | 2013 | 2012 |2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006
Acacia Lyra in Ireland 2013

Blowing in the wind on the West coast of Ireland

Harps and afternoon tea at Gregan's Castle Hotel, Co. Clare, Ireland
Celtic Christmas Concert (2012)

Susan and Janine on stage at a Celtic Christmas concert
Photo Pat Cassidy
Hallowe'en with Harpissimo Quebec (2010)

Hallowe'en concert

Susan & Janine

Susan & Janine with members of Harpissimo Quebec at a Hallowe'en concert.
Recording our CD, Aqsarniit - Northern Lights (2010)

Susan in the recording studio, concentrating...

Janine, concentrating...

Our producer, Bobby Lalonde.

Adding vocal tracks.
National Gallery of Canada (2010)

Marching with harps at the National Gallery of Canada, January 2010.
Photo: Frank Scheme

Janine smiling through strings.
Photo: Frank Scheme
Almonte Celt Fest & Northern Lights Harp Fest (2009)

Performing at the Almonte Celt Fest in July 2009.

Susan and Janine with Mary O'Hara during her visit to the Northern Lights Harp Fest, October 2009.

Susan and Janine waiting to go onstage at the Northern Lights Harp Fest October, 2009.
In concert - 2008

A cosy mid-winter concert in the historic chapel of All Saints Anglican in Westboro (2008). Photo: Gisèle Acheson.

Susan with Laureen Harper at the Prime Minister's residence, 24 Sussex, Ottawa (2008).
Photo: Jason Ransom

Thor, our resident troll
Our photographer, Jean Marc Carisse has photographed Prime Ministers, the Pope, the Dalai Lama and such other dignitaries and luminaries as Princess Diana, Mick Jagger, Mother Teresa, Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Acacia Lyra and... Thor. He was well behaved for this photo shoot in Jean Marc's Sussex Street Studio.

Loading in at the NAC for the "Hint of Winter" concert (November 2008).
In concert - 2007

An enchanted evening in the forest - a Christmas concert at the Centre Forestier du Lac La Blanche, 2007.

A special Christmas 2007 concert in honour of Edith Currie (seated), 100 years young, Perth, Ontario. L-R: Joanne Griffin, Janine, Susan.

Memories of Summer - Susan at sunset. "Night fell as the mountain swallowed the sun", Flamenco song.
Photo Avril Patrick.
Winter music (2006)

In the studio recording a Christmas demo CD "Auld Songs of Yule", 2006

"Auld Songs of Yule" CD Cover
Photo: Terry Findlay.

Checking Janine's voice levels.

Susan - not just a harpist!

Winter house concerts, 2006...

...with music up close and personal